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This small and cute sea animal is called a sea horse. The size and type varies and is spread in tropical and medium waters throughout the world. In Indonesia there are 9 out of a total of 54 types of seahorses. Launched from various sources, here are some information about seahorses that make it special because of its uniqueness!


The only type of fish that is not shaped like a fish in general. Seahorses are classified as fish by researchers, because they swim using fins and breathe using gills, like fish. The shape is unique and different from other fish. He also does not have scales like fish in general.

Unusual seahorses. These small animals have dorsal fins and pectoral fins. The dorsal fin is located at the bottom of the body while the pectoral fin is near the gills, in the head.

Seahorses are a type of fish that are not good at swimming and moving vertically. Although it is a marine animal, this sea horse is bad at swimming. He has a very slow swimming speed. This is caused by the uniqueness of his erect body shape. The uniqueness of his upright body also makes him swim vertically, not horizontally like other fish.

Seahorses have no stomach, so they are often said to be the most greedy animals. In a day sea horses can eat up to 3000 artemia in water. This is because it has a very fast digestion process, so the food eaten is just passing.

Seahorses can look 360 degrees like a chameleon. Just like chameleons, seahorses have the ability to see 360 ​​degrees. This ability is very helpful for him to be more alert to predators, also in getting food.

Seahorses are threatened with extinction because they are used as medicine. Since it is known that sea horses have properties for male stamina, these marine animals are increasingly threatened with extinction. Every year at least 20 million seahorses are captured and more and more traditional medicine is circulating for men.

That's the fact about seahorses, ocean animals that are small in size but have many special things. Which facts most astonished you? Do you think humans can be more loyal than seahorses or not?